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                Mr. Rowe currently holds a 2nd Dan Black Belt with the Colorado international Taekwon Do (CIT) under the tutelage of Master Roberto Roena VIII Dan. Although Mr. Rowe has been interested in martial arts throughout his life he began studying Taekwon Do in 2003. He is also an international and national competitor, most recently competing in the ITF World Cup in Budapest, Hungary in October of 2016. He has metaled in both national and local tournaments in sparring, patterns and breaking.  

He started with The Wild Bunch Association out of Tulsa, Oklahoma. There he began learning Taekwon Do and to broaden his skillset into other forms of Martial Arts such as Wing Chun, Karate, Silat, Muay Thai as well as Hawaiian Lua. These studies have allowed Mr. Rowe to bring other elements to his teaching.  Training in multiple styles of Martial Arts has inspired him to be open minded to different teaching styles and methodologies. He counts himself as a humble student of any style that is of benefit to him or his students. Mr. Rowe had the great honor of attending seminars and working with the Grand Master of the Hawaiian Lua System; 'Õlohe Solomon Kaihewalu and a seminar held by Guru Dan Inosanto.  

                 Mr. Rowe suffered a stroke at the age of two (caused by an accident) and has partial paralysis on his right side (loss of use of right hand and lateral mobility issues).  He is also an avid cyclist and has run many races including the Pikes Peak Ascent in 2000. He continually challenged himself both mentally and physically to become a better individual. With the eclectic physical fitness background and martial arts training he believes that this was the seed of the RoweLin Foundation.  He has always been passionate about the safety and well-being of those with different challenges.

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